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The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

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All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

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Certification to UNI/PdR 125:2022 helps organizations promote gender equality by structuring their own inclusion management system not only to demonstrate their commitment to gender equality, but also to set and monitor specific targets for improvement.

Gender equality certification is applicable to all types of organization, whether private, public or not-for-profit, whatever their size or the nature of their activity.

VAT-registered companies with no employees or staff are excluded from the application of this document.


Gender Equality Certification (uni/pdr 125:2022)THE BENEFITS OF CERTIFICATION

Certification to PdR UNI 125:2022 will give you an important competitive edge in the marketplace.

Indeed, in recent years, a great deal of attention has been paid to companies' capacity for inclusion, and it has been discovered that the most successful companies are those that manage to create and maintain an in-house working model resolutely geared towards inclusion.

This not only brings benefits in terms of image and reputation, but also increases cultural stimuli and corporate culture in general, thus developing greater economic value and investor appeal.

  • Relief: contribution relief of up to 50,000 euros per year for private companies in possession of equal opportunity certification.
  • Contracts: in service and supply contracts, a 30% reduction in the provisional guarantee is also granted to economic operators in possession of this gender equality certification, who are thus placed on an equal footing with the other categories already covered by the regulation, i.e. those in possession of the legality rating and company rating or organizational model certification, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 231 of 2001.
    Premiums will also be awarded to bids from economic operators who demonstrate the adoption of policies aimed at achieving gender equality.
  • Tenders: possession of a gender equality certification with a higher score will determine a better ranking.
  • Financing: premium score for state aid and/or public funding
  • Performance: evidence shows that more inclusive organizations perform better than competing companies that have not adopted a gender equality management system.
  • Reputation: more inclusive organizations have a better reputation and attract more talent!


Gender Equality Certification (uni/pdr 125:2022) CERTIFIED COMMITMENTS

The adoption and continuation of a gender equality management system aims to promote and protect diversity andequal opportunities in the workplace, measuring its progress and results through the preparation ofspecific key performance indicators that are reported in official documents.

6 Indicator zones :

  1. Culture and strategy
  2. Governance
  3. HR processes
  4. Opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in business
  5. Pay equity between men and women
  6. Parental protection and work-life balance.


Gender Equality Certification (uni/pdr 125:2022)CERTIFICATION PROCESS

  1. Information gathering
  2. Technical and economic offer
  3. Pre-audit (optional)
  4. Phase 1 + phase 2 audit
  5. Review by the Technical Committee
  6. Certificate question
  7. Year 1: monitoring
  8. Year 2: monitoring
  9. Year 3: certification renewal.


Gender Equality Certification (uni/pdr 125:2022)WHY CHOOSE THE AFNOR GROUP?

  • Expertise: you benefit from the experience of a leader in management system certification.
  • Proximity: AFNOR is present in over 100 countries through its 40 international offices.
  • Network: The AFNOR group is also the strength of a network of over 1,900 auditors and assessors!
  • Tools: A personalized customer area to follow the assessment process.


Gender Equality Certification (uni/pdr 125:2022)  USEFUL LINKS
> Webinar AFNOR Italy (Watch the video)
> AFNOR Italy training: "UNI/PdR 125:2022 and the systemic approach to gender equality".

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.


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