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Copyright © 2022, All rights reserved

Site edited by :

AFNOR Développement, Siret : 479.075.970

RCS Bobigny, NAF Code: 7010 Z

Head office: 11, rue Francis de Pressensé 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis France

Publication manager: Olivier Peyrat, Managing Director.

Site hosted by :

AFNOR: Association Française de Normalisation, SIRET: 775 724 818 00015

RCS Bobigny, NAF Code: 751 E

Head office: 11, rue Francis de Pressensé 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis France.


Content objectives and quality :

The website gives you access to online services to :

  • Sign up for a full range of training courses for all organizations and individuals;
  • To request a quote for a certification project.


All content, pages, scripts and images on the website are the exclusive property of AFNOR Développement. Unless otherwise stated, the company names, logos, products and brands mentioned on this website are the property of AFNOR Développement. Their mention in no way grants any license or right to use said trademarks, which may not be used without the prior written consent of AFNOR Développement.

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Although every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information contained on this website, AFNOR Développement assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracy or imprecision of the information provided on this website. Use of the information is at the user's own risk.


This website may contain links to other websites. The sites to which these hypertext links refer are, unless otherwise stated, independent of the present site. These links do not constitute, in any case, an approval or a partnership between AFNOR Développement and these sites. Consequently, AFNOR Développement cannot be held responsible for the content, products, advertising or any other elements or services presented on these sites.

Any hypertext link, of any nature whatsoever, allowing access to this site or to any of its pages or elements, requires prior written authorization from AFNOR: contact form available by clicking here.

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Four types of Cookies, meeting the purposes described below, may be stored in the terminal of persons visiting one of AFNOR Group's websites.

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You may at any time choose to deactivate all or part of the Cookies. Your browser can also be configured to alert you to cookies stored on your terminal, and to ask you to accept them or not (on a case-by-case basis or in their entirety). Please note, however, that if you deactivate all Cookies, you will not be able to use our sites to their full potential.

By using the AFNOR Group websites, you consent to the use of the aforementioned Cookies. However, you may choose at any time to deactivate all or part of these Cookies, with the exception of the technical Cookies necessary for the operation of the site as indicated above. Your browser can also be set to alert you to Cookies that are stored on your terminal, and to ask you whether or not you wish to accept them.

- If you're using Explorer: click on Tools, then Internet Options. Under the General tab, Browsing History, click on Settings. Then click on Show files and select the Cookie(s) you wish to deactivate. Close the window containing this list of Cookies and double-click OK to return to the Internet.

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For support on the various browsers, we recommend that you refer to the official documentation.

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When you visit one of the websites published by AFNOR Développement, you are likely to provide us with a certain amount of personal data in order to benefit from the services and/or products offered by AFNOR Développement. The processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of the services requested. AFNOR Développement undertakes, within the framework of its activities and in accordance with the legislation in force in France (Law No. 78-017 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms (known as the Loi Informatique et Libertés) and in Europe (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (RGPD), to ensure the protection, confidentiality and security of the personal data of Internet users browsing AFNOR websites.

All personal data entrusted to AFNOR Editions will be protected as described in the AFNOR Développement CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA AND PRIVACY.

AFNOR Développement has appropriate physical, electronic and administrative security measures designed to protect personal information obtained from data subjects, customers and prospects in accordance with its CHARTER ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA AND PRIVACY AFNOR Développement.

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