
AFNOR Group is a partner of the IQNET (International Quality Network) which represents over 40% of the certificates issued worldwide.he world. It brings together leading certification bodies from over 35 countries in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America...

By taking part in this network, we can help you coordinate international audits and harmonize certification processes.

The IQNET certificate can be issued in conjunction with the AFAQ certificate, reinforcing the recognition of your certification abroad.


Created in 1989, IQNET - The International Certification Network has 36 partner certification bodies, including the AFNOR Group.

IQNET is involved in over 60 executive, advisory and technical committees and working groups in stakeholder fields: 29 in international standardization activities (ISO); 25 in accreditation, such as theInternational Accreditation Forum (IAF),European Accreditation (EA) andInter American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC); five in program owner areas, such as theEuropean Aerospace Quality Group, Food Safety Scheme Council, Smart Freight Centre; and three in relation to quality infrastructure, such as with INetQI andUNIDO.

Thanks to this representation, the AFNOR Group benefits from information that only the network can provide, and also makes a contribution to the changes underway in various sectors. The IQNET network is one of the few organizations called upon to shape proactive policies and practices in terms of accreditation, standardization, program development and quality infrastructure, at local, regional and international levels.

> Discover IQNet' s website here.

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