general terms and conditions of sale - trademark use charters

AFNOR Certification

  • General conditions of certification France ( FR / EN )
  • General conditions for international certification ( FR / EN / CNCA )
  • General conditions of evaluation ( FR )
  • General conditions of IFS-BRC certification ( FR / EN )
  • General HACCP evaluation conditions ( FR )
  • General conditions for developing and validating a service commitment reference framework ( FR )
  • General conditions for asbestos-aces product/process certification( FR )
  • Label Gouvernance terms and conditions ( FR )
  • Lean evaluation terms and conditions ( FR )
  • General terms and conditions for CSR reporting inspection( FR )
  • General terms and conditions of sale Label Origine France Garantie( FR )
  • General conditions of qualification( FR )
  • Terms and conditions for SCORE/e-engagé RSE assessments ( FR )
  • General terms and conditions Label Egalité / Label Diversité ( FR )
  • General terms and conditions of sale for tests and diagnostics available on the website ( FR )

AFNOR UK Limited

  • General conditions of certification ( EN )


AFNOR Tunisia

  • General conditions of certification ( FR )


Where the certified organization has consistently or seriously failed to comply with the certification requirements for certain elements within the scope of certification, the Certification Body has the right to reduce the scope of certification to exclude elements which do not meet the requirements. Suspend certification or withdraw the certificate in accordance with the applicable procedures. 

For AFNOR Asia Ltd, available here.

Brand use charters

AFNOR Certification, available here (FR ) or version (EN) VERSION

GUTcert, available here: https: //

AFNOR Italia, available here (FR) or version (EN), disponibile qui in italiano

AFAQ AFNOR Int. Tunisia, available here (FR ) or version (EN) VERSION

AFNOR Asia Ltd, the generic available here (FR ) or version (EN) VERSION and the specific one here.

AFNOR UK Limited, available here (FR ) or version (EN) VERSION

UKCA marking: conditions of use (Version FR - Version ENG)

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