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GUT Certifizierungsgesellschaft für Managementsysteme | Umweltgutachter
Eichenstraße 3b, 12435 Berlin

Telephone: +49 30 2332021-35

GUTcert is a certification body for integrated management systems. It focuses on quality, environment, energy, information and workplace safety. It validates environmental declarations according to the European EMAS standard, verifies emissions reports, checks carbon footprints and certifies sustainability requirements for biomass according to ISCC/REDcert and the RSPO supply chain (SCC). Drawing on many years' experience, the company offers sustainability performance assessments, validates sustainability reports in line with international standards, and is itself a member of the Global Compact.

The subsidiary of GUTcert, BerlinCertis a testing and certification body for medical products, offering system certification and product testing.

The GUTcert Academy organizes practice-oriented seminars to qualify auditors and technical experts in various fields.


Agri-food expertise
Jan lieback afnor germany gutcert

Prof. Dr. Jan Uwe Lieback
Managing Director

Certifications in quality management

ISO 9001 / EN 9100 / ISO/ITS 22163 (IRIS) / IATF 16949
Quality management certifications

A functioning quality management system is the ideal tool for structuring and managing change processes. It guarantees efficiency - and, above all, continuous improvement. Focusing on the "quality" indicator creates public confidence and credibility.
Certification of your quality management system gives your customers the assurance that you are a reliable partner. It raises your profile in the marketplace and helps to ensure your company's long-term success.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for :

ISO 9001
EN 9100
ISO/ITS 22163 (IRIS)
IATF 16949

ISO 14001 / EMAS
Certifications in environmental management

Environmental protection, climate protection and sustainability dominate public discourse more than ever, and are among today's key challenges.
Environmental protection has thus become as important a competitive factor as the quality or price of products and services. The far-sighted and systematic incorporation of environmental aspects into political and business decisions therefore harbors not only ideal values for companies, but also material and financial potential.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for :
ISO 14001

ISO 50001
Certifications in energy management

A DIN EN ISO 50001-compliant energy management system is a proven tool for increasing the energy efficiency of companies, thereby reducing energy consumption, CO2 emissions and, above all, costs.
Thanks to a systematic approach, the organization continuously improves its energy performance and meets legal requirements. The organization's main energy influencing factors are identified, savings measures and proposals for improvement are drawn up and evaluated, then implemented step by step and developed on an ongoing basis.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for :
ISO 50001

Carbon footprint
Verification of greenhouse gas balances

Carbon footprints are an important and accepted approach to making the current state of a company's environmental commitment and climate objectives transparent to customers and employees alike. Verified by an independent body, the credibility and integrity of carbon footprints increases considerably.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for :
Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) (Corporate Carbon Footprint)
Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
Airport carbon accreditation
Climate neutrality
EU Innovation Fund
EU taxonomy

Medical Devices Notified Body (MDR)

As anotified bodywe assess and certify whether the required documentation and the quality management system (in accordance with ISO 13485) comply with the uniform assessment criteria of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR). Manufacturers need this attestation as part of the conformity assessment required for the sale of their products within the EU.

ISO/IEC 27001
Certifications in information security

Senior managers in organizations operating an Information Security Management System (ISMS) can sleep easier: a well-established ISMS protects not only IT systems, but also all information within the company, such as the often valuable pool of employee knowledge.

At a time when ISMS is becoming a legal obligation for a growing number of companies, such a system guarantees maximum legal security and protects companies from loss of image by reducing risks.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for :
ISO/IEC 27001

ISO 45001
Occupational safety certifications

Systematic occupational health and safety management in accordance with ISO 45001 and external auditing give organizations new impetus to develop occupational health and safety protection. The continuous improvement process, which lies at the heart of the management system, ensures employee involvement and satisfaction.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for :
ISO 45001

ISO 20121
Sustainable event management

The ISO 20121 standard covers the three pillars of sustainable development: environmental protection, social impact and economic components. An ISO 20121 certificate is therefore an internationally recognized and credible proof for communication with clients and the general public.
The superior ISO structure of the standard facilitates integration into an existing management system. If a quality, environmental or workplace safety system already exists, existing structures can be extended to include the event standard.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for certification to the
ISO 20121

ISO 13485
Quality management for medical devices

Manufacturers or distributors of medical devices need a functioning quality management system based on ISO 13485 standardstandard, which guarantees efficiency, active risk management and, above all, continuous improvement.
With certification, you create a basis of trust and compliance with your partners and society at large.

Sustainability certification for steel

ResponsibleSteel™ is the first global sustainability standard for the steel industry. Companies that obtain ResponsibeSteel certification are often preferred by investors, but also by purchasers of the products when they have special requirements, for example in public procurement.
By consciously addressing ecological and social issues (e.g. adaptation to climate change, human rights), you gain a great advantage in terms of image and minimize your operating risks thanks to greater security in compliance with the relevant laws. You increase the value of your brand by making a clear commitment to sustainability.
GUTcert is your trusted partner for certification according to

Aluminium Management Initiative (ASI)
Sustainability certification for aluminium

The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is an association of various aluminium industry groups pursuing the common goal of promoting the aluminium industry in terms of transparency, sustainability and responsible aluminium extraction.
Investors are paying increasing attention to sustainability aspects: With voluntary ASI certification, you play a pioneering role and set yourself apart from your competitors. You benefit from greater security in complying with the guidelines of your own supply chain and the increasing demands made by the political context.
You strengthen and promote the confidence of consumers and interest groups in aluminium products, and reduce reputational risks with regard to aluminium and the players in the aluminium industry.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for certification according to

ISO 55001
Asset management certification

With an asset management system, you have a coherent framework for managing the entire lifecycle of your assets (fixed assets, wealth, investments, property and real estate) and developing the value of your company's assets.
Quick, transparent decisions enable better control: you increase profitability and reduce the costs associated with asset ownership.
Finally, you meet your customers' needs and expectations, and contribute to greater sustainability through longer asset life.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for the certification of your asset management system to the
ISO 55001

Testing laboratory for medical devices

The Berlin Cert tests technical aids and medical devices. Our range of tests includes orthopedic techniques, rehabilitation aids, active medical devices and face masks. We also carry out microclimate measurements, mattress/anti-decubitus tests and development support tests.
In addition, we are your point of contact for open tests for which no test standard yet exists, or for which the development of specific test methods or facilities is required.

RSPO Certification of sustainable palm oil

In recent years, palm oil has become the most important vegetable oil on the planet. Almost every second supermarket product contains this natural raw material. On the other hand, palm oil, more than any other vegetable product, is regularly the subject of criticism. To meet global demand, areas of tropical rainforest are being cleared, especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, with far-reaching consequences.
By obtaining RSPO certification for sustainable palm oil, you are ensuring that nature conservation and human rights are better respected on plantations than is required by law. With consumers increasingly aware of product sustainability, your company also benefits from RSPO certification in its corporate communications.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for

Certification of biogenic fuels

Sustainable products are increasingly in demand by consumers, and compliance with environmental and social standards is more necessary than ever given the scarcity of resources. Whether for the European fuel and electricity market, or for the food and oleochemical industries, demand is accompanied by an increase in the requirements and expectations of customers and legislators that a product must meet - right along the supply chain.
With voluntary certification schemes such as REDcert-EU and ISCC-EU, companies can prove that the sustainability criteria required by the European Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001/EC - RED II) are met for the production of biofuels from biomass. This guarantees access to the European biofuels market.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for certification according to

Certification in the food and feed sector

With REDcert2, REDcert extends its sustainability certification system to the food and feed market and the material use of biomass. Building on the REDcert EU system, REDcert2 covers further levels of sustainability for the food and feed sector, in particular for biomass foods.
The REDcert2 system applies to the stages of raw material production and collection, trade and processing. Examples of interfaces include cultivation companies, first collectors or land traders, conversion facilities (e.g. oil mills, sugar mills, grain mills, malt factories) and traders.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for certification according to

Sustainability certification for electricity and heat production

The Sustainable Resources Verification Scheme (SURE) is a voluntary certification system that proves that the sustainability criteria required by the European Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001/EC - RED II) are met for the production of electricity and heat from biomass.
SURE certification gives economic operators easy access to all EU electricity and heat markets and the associated subsidies. In this way, they ensure the sustainable development of new sources of raw materials and help our society to take another step towards greater responsibility for our future.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for

Emissions trading

The Sustainable Resources Verification Scheme (SURE) is a voluntary certification scheme to prove that the sustainability criteria required by the European Renewable Energy Directive (2018/2001/EC - RED II) are met for the production of electricity and heat from biomass.
Emissions trading in Europe was introduced following the Kyoto international agreement on climate change. It is an important element of European environmental policy aimed at achieving the CO2 emissions reduction targets set by the agreement reached in 2015 at the United Nations climate conference in Paris.
All companies required to participate in emissions trading must surrender an emissions permit (also known as a CO2 certificate) for each tonne of CO2 emitted.
The CO2 emissions and allocation data determined each year are recorded in an emissions or allocation data report. This report is then checked and verified by an accredited inspection body to ensure that it is sufficiently secure, compliant and plausible.

GUTcert is your trusted partner for

Intrusion testing (PENTEST)

Penetration testing is an effective way of protecting yourself against hacker attacks.
We test web and mobile applications, digital health applications (DiGA) and "Sofware as a Medical Device" (SaMD). Using the same means and methods as hackers, we look for weak points in your system or software products.
Pentesting provides valuable information on the state of vulnerability. Especially in combination with ISO 27001, it is well suited to identifying risks and proactively reducing them.


The Academy organizes numerous practical seminarsseminars in-company training and exchanges of experience. Emphasis is placed on qualifying auditors and experts in quality management, environmental and and energy management.
The content of our seminars is tailored to the needs and level of knowledge of the participants. We impart basic knowledge for beginners and expert knowledge for professionals. The GUTcert Academy is always up to date: new findings, changes in guidelines or expected trends are implemented on a daily basis in the seminars.


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