Strengthening Sino-French ties: CCAA and AFNOR hold key meeting in Paris

Agri-food expertise

The China Certification & Accreditation Association (CCAA) is a key organization in China's standardization and certification landscape. With a pivotal role in promoting quality and coordinating certification and accreditation activities, the CCAA plays a vital role in supporting Chinese companies in the global marketplace.

On September 23, 2024, the China Certification and Accreditation Association (CCAA) and AFNOR Group met at AFNOR headquarters in Saint-Denis for a formal meeting. The meeting, which coincided with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and FranceThe aim of the meeting, which coincides with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, is to discuss frameworks and methods for developing expertise and mutual recognition in areas of potential mutual benefit.

Mr. HUANG Jixian 黄继先 中国认证认可协会 常务副会长兼秘书长>Executive Vice President and Secretary General,CCAA, Ms. FANG Yan 方 艳 中国认证认可协会 技术标准部 主任> Director of Technical Standards Department,CCAA, Ms. WANG Qian 王 茜 中国认证认可协会 人员能力评价中心 副主任> Deputy Director of Personnel Competency Evaluation Centre,CCAA, Ms. Myriam AUGEREAU LANDAIS, AFNOR 国际总经理> President of AFNOR China, Mr. August TSAI, 法标认证副董事长>Vice President of AFNOR China, Ms. Cindy SHEN, AFNOR 亚太地区总监> Area Director of AFNOR International, Mr. Peter ZHANG, 法标认证总经理> General Manager of AFNOR China.

Discussions focused on past cooperative ventures and new advances by each organization. A project was proposed on several key points, reflecting a shared desire to deepen exchanges and collaboration.

  • Sharing experience and expertise

The two parties have agreed to meet periodically to share experience and expertise in the fields of personnel registration, technical information on standards, and the development of certification systems, qualifications and training programs.

  • Mutual recognition of skills

Particular emphasis was placed on promoting mutual recognition of auditor registration and approval of competence in the fields of ISO 50001 (energy management), ISO 22000 (food safety) and ISO 27001 (information security). The CCAA pointed out that such cooperation requires the formal approval of the CNCA, China's competent authority in this field, which AFNOR has understood and accepted.

  • Innovation and new areas of cooperation

The two organizations will explore new avenues of mutual recognition in innovative business areas, including the establishment of joint personnel registration and competency approval programs for ISO/IEC 42001 artificial intelligence management systems and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). The AFNOR group will contribute its experience and expertise in these fields, and the two parties will collaborate on training courses and seminars.

The CCAA 's visit to AFNOR's headquarters is a testament to the two organizations' commitment to working together for the benefit of industries and consumers, not only in China and France, but also internationally. By strengthening their collaboration and sharing their expertise, the CCAA and AFNOR are contributing to the development of a more robust and integrated certification system, essential for sustainable development and competitiveness in the global economy.

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