Assessment ISO 14064-1 - Greenhouse gases for environmental protection

Assessment ISO 14064-1 - Greenhouse gases for environmental protection

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The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

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English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

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Evaluation iso 14064-1 - greenhouse gases for environmental protectionTHE BENEFITS OF THIS EVALUATION APPROACH

  • Discover energy-saving opportunities and demonstrate your commitment to reducing carbon emissions.
  • Enable you to better understand the interaction between different departments, positions and processes through progressive internal improvement.
  • Providing several ways to help you effectively minimize the negative impact on the environment.
  • Help you develop and implement future GHG management strategies and plans.
  • Improve the company's positive image and increase investors' profits.

Evaluation iso 14064-1 - greenhouse gases for environmental protectionINSTRUCTIONS FOR THE EVALUATION PROCESS

  1. Document review : Before proceeding with the on-site audit, review the relevant documents and identify the main risks.
  2. Stage 1 verification: At a minimum, documents important to the verification should include a site visit, discussions with key personnel (such as plant supervisors, environmental safety supervisors), and review of greenhouse gas documents and procedures.
  3. Stage 2 verification: mainly to confirm problems found in step 1 and to finalize the organization's audit report and audit inventory.
  4. Declaration of verification : The AFNOR Group, or one of its international offices, validates your declaration of verification, which is valid for one year.

Evaluation iso 14064-1 - greenhouse gases for environmental protectionWHY CHOOSE THE AFNOR GROUP?

  • The expertise of the French market leader, with over 70,000 certified sites worldwide;
  • The reputation of a long-standing player in organizational certification for over 20 years;
  • The strength of a network of 1,750 auditors and assessors dedicated to your success;
  • Our presence in more than 100 countries makes it easy to deploy your initiatives on a global scale;
  • Modular, complementary certification solutions tailored to your situation;
  • You have access to a personalized customer area to help you manage your certification, prepare for your audits and track your progress.

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.


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