ISO 14067 Verification – Product Carbon Footprint

ISO 14067 Verification – Product Carbon Footprint

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The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

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All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.


The carbon footprint of products refers to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated by a product from raw materials, suppliers, product design, manufacturing processes, transportation, consumer use, disposal and reuse.

The ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint standard is applicable to various products, engineering, construction or services; companies can evaluate the reduction and replacement of product raw materials, process and purchasing optimization by establishing a carbon footprint management system and calculating the carbon footprint of products, so as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


iso 14067 certification - carbon footprint of productsTHE BENEFITS OF THIS AUDIT

  • Improve the decision-making process regarding the organization's operating and investment costs
  • Provide a framework to promote energy efficiency improvements throughout the supply chain
  • Disclose information on product supply chain carbon emissions to meet international demand.
  • Publish an ESG sustainability report and assume corporate social responsibility.
  • Comply with energy regulations and requirements, and meet government environmental protection policies.
  • Proving carbon performance and creating a differentiated competitive advantage.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enabling product differentiation, creating a low-carbon competitive advantage and creating new value for green businesses.


iso 14067 certification - carbon footprint of productsHOW TO CHECK

  1. Verification request: contact our best sellers and prepare the relevant application documents.
    2. Stage 1 verification:
    our verifier interviews your teams, analyzes your practices and data in relation to the standard's requirements (on site).
    3. Stage 2 verification:
    our verifier confirms the data and results of stage 1 (on-site or review of documentation).
    4. Audit results:
    summary presentation of audit findings, submission of audit report.
    5. Issuance of declaration:
    AFNOR Group issues your verification report, declaration and logo for 1 year.


iso 14067 certification - carbon footprint of productsWHY CHOOSE THE AFNOR GROUP?

  • Over 10 years' experience in GHG and CFP verification.
  • With several hundred ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14067 verification certificates issued, we are one of the world leaders in this field.
  • Our presence in over 100 countries facilitates your international business.
  • A customized approach to auditing tailored to your organization's specific needs
  • Auditors experienced in GHGs, CFPs and your industry.


iso 14067 certification - carbon footprint of productsDOCUMENTS TO DOWNLOAD :

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.


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