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Certification - Anti-Bullying Management System according to UNI/PdR 42:2018

Certification - Anti-Bullying Management System according to UNI/PdR 42:2018

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These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

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All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

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Certification in line with UNI/PdR 42:2018 is the result of a standard published in August 2018 and drafted in collaboration between UNI, ACCREDIA and the main Italian associations that refer to the school system. The aim of this certification is to provide a tool that guarantees stakeholders, first and foremost families, that the school or organization has taken concrete measures capable of minimizing the risks to which minors are exposed in terms of bullying and cyberbullying.

This reference practice aims to implement appropriate measures to ensure respect for the best interests of the child, as clearly stated at international level by the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This objective can only be achieved if the main educational players - the family, the school and any other organization dealing with minors - carry out their educational mission in a way that takes into account the socio-existential reality of those for whom their activities are intended.

Certification - anti-bullying management system according to uni/pdr 42:2018   WHO'S INVOLVED?

The document applies to all educational and training establishments, at all levels, state or non-state, peer or non-peer.
It also applies to activities similar to schools (e.g. vocational training centers, day care centers, boarding schools, youth centers, sports centers, leisure centers, etc.) and, in general, to all organizations that deal with under-age users.

NOTE: This reference practice is designed to be applicable in any country in the world, in addition to the legislative framework in force in the various geographical zones.

Certification - anti-bullying management system according to uni/pdr 42:2018THE BENEFITS OF CERTIFICATION

  • The reference practice defines the characteristics of a management system designed to address and prevent the risk of violent behavior towards children and conduct detrimental to their personality development.
  • The approach to bullying prevention and control described in this Best Practice is based on the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) model of management systems, to enable its compatibility and integration with the latest management systems, and on "risk-based thinking" or the risk approach.
  • Best practice requires a risk-based approach to determining the establishment, implementation, maintenance, type and extent of controls and continuous improvement of the management system.
  • This reference practice can provide guidelines for organizations targeting minors for :
    • effective, systematic enforcement of legal requirements on mobbing and cyberbullying, in countries such as Italy which have passed legislation to this effect
    • identify the specific risks of harassment existing within the organization, taking into account the territorial and social context of reference;
    • obtain independent third-party certification of the effectiveness of anti-bullying measures implemented;
    • effectively communicate their anti-bullying strategies to the outside world;
    • Strengthen the trust of families and society in schools and other organizations for minors;
    • encourage a multidisciplinary approach to the fight against harassment.


Certification - anti-bullying management system according to uni/pdr 42:2018INSTRUCTIONS FOR CERTIFICATION

  1. Pre-audit (optional): a real-life diagnostic with an auditor to maximize your chances of certification.
  2. Initial audit: our auditor interviews your teams, analyzes your practices and your data with regard to the requirements of the standard; at the end of the audit, a summary presentation of the audit conclusions and delivery of the audit report.
  3. Certification: Quaser Certificazioni Srl, a member of the AFNOR group, issues the certificate and logo.
  4. Certification maintenance: an annual audit is scheduled during the first and second years of certification validity.
  5. Renewal: an audit is scheduled every 3 years.


Certification - anti-bullying management system according to uni/pdr 42:2018WHY CHOOSE THE AFNOR GROUP?

  • The expertise of a leader with over 70,000 certified sites worldwide.
  • The reputation of a long-standing player in organization certification for over 20 years.
  • The strength of a network of 1,750 auditors and assessors dedicated to your success.
  • Our presence in more than 100 countries makes it easy to deploy your initiatives on a global scale.
  • Modular, complementary certification solutions tailored to your situation.
  • You have access to a personalized customer area to help you manage your certification, prepare for your audits and track your progress.
  • AFNOR Group can issue this accredited certification with ACCREDIA in accordance with UNI/PdR 42:2018 through Quaser Certificazioni Srl.


Certification - anti-bullying management system according to uni/pdr 42:2018USEFUL LINKS :

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.


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