Foxlink Energy receives ISO/IEC 27001 : 2022 certificate of conformity

Agri-food expertise

Foxlink Energy receives ISO/IEC 27001 : 2022 certificate of conformity for accreditation of its information security management system.

Foxlink Energy, a subsidiary of the Foxlink Group, is a listed electronic components company founded in 2007. It specializes in the construction and maintenance of renewable energy power plants such as solar, hydro and offshore/onshore wind. It has adopted sustainable development, energy conservation and carbon reduction as its corporate development values and visions.

In line with the government's energy transformation policy, Foxlink Energy has created an "ESG industrial ecosystem" by combining wind power and photovoltaics with complementary energy management systems. The company also has a comprehensive renewable energy business portfolio that provides customized green energy solutions, and also operates green energy trading platforms, liquefied natural gas import, energy storage technology, ESCOs and other multi-faceted energy services.

The annual production of green electricity reaches 400 million kWh and the reduction in CO2 emissions 213,045 tonnes, equivalent to the planting of 737 trees in Daan Forest Park. Foxlink Energy is working hard to protect agricultural and forest land, in the hope of achieving the global goal of sustainable development and meeting the new challenge of the global renewable energy initiative, RE100.

Foxlink Energy is actively participating in the global wave of net zero emissions by working with at least 70 suppliers to establish a safe and secure working environment in terms of occupational health and safety and the protection of workers' rights, and by holding regular sustainability meetings to review sustainability policy; by introducing the ISO 50001 energy management system and obtaining certification to further optimize the efficiency of energy use; and by actively promoting environmental education to meet its social responsibility.

"We also actively promote green energy education and hope to fulfill our social responsibility by building a sustainable and prosperous upstream and downstream industrial chain with our suppliers. As part of corporate governance, to prevent and reduce the risk of information security, we have fully implemented and continuously updated stringent security measures, and introduced ISO/IEC 27001: 2022 Information security, network security and privacy - Information security management system.

In December 2023, we successfully passed the AFNOR Group's ISO/IEC 27001: 2022 Information Security Management System standard. In December 2023, we successfully passed the AFNOR Group's ISO/IEC 27001: 2022 Information Security Management System."

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Foxlink Energy receives ISO/IEC 27001 : 2022 certificate of conformity

Foxlink Energy receives ISO/IEC 27001: 2022 certificate of conformity for accreditation of its information security management system. Foxlink Energy, a subsidiary of the Foxlink Group, is a listed electronic components company founded in 2007. It specializes in the construction and maintenance of energy-efficient power plants.

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