Training – CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Auditor

Training – CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Auditor

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Training - Auditor CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 ConversionTHE ADVANTAGES OF THIS TRAINING

  • An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management System brings benefits both in terms of image and overall performance.
  • Improving the OHS Management System makes it possible to:
    • reduce accidents and occupational diseases,
    • ensure the prevention and protection of employees and employees of external companies,
    • act on dangerous situations to avoid accidents,
    • improve health and safety management,
    • promote and sustain good practices,
    • improve staff motivation and working conditions.

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Master all the steps to carry out an OHS Management System audit
  • Pass the ISO 45001 CQI and IRCA OHS Management System Auditor, Prerequisite to Become a CQI and IRCA OHS Certified Auditor
  • Adopt the appropriate behaviors for conducting and carrying out an OHS Management System audit.


Training - Auditor CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 ConversionWHO IS CONCERNED?

Any professional wishing to carry out 1st, 2nd and 3rd part audits of OHS Management System, and become a CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 (SMSST) auditor.

Anyone with prior knowledge of ISO 45001, management system audits and who has already carried out audits and has completed training as a CQI and IRCA certified audit manager (or equivalent) in another discipline, and has passed the exam (a certificate of successful completion of the exam will be required).

All auditors of the OSH management system who wish to have their competence as auditors recognised.

In addition, the intern will be required to demonstrate the following knowledge and skills:

  • Generic audit competencies at the requested grade
  • OSH management methods and techniques that enable the auditor to review OSH management systems and generate appropriate audit findings and conclusions.
  • Technical OSH skills, such as risk management, workplace health and safety activities, including chemical/physical/biological hazards; legal and organizational factors within the country or area of operation, etc.

To validate their registration, the trainee must commit to the possession of the prerequisites presented above.

Certification : To register as a CQI and IRCA certified auditor, more info on CQI and IRCA prerequisites at:

Training - Auditor CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 ConversionTRAINING CONTENT


1- Discovery of the standard

  • The structure of the standard in 10 chapters: HLS structure
  • The scope of the standard
  • The objectives of the standard

2- The usefulness of the standard

  • Organisational changes brought about by the standard
  • What can ISO 45001 do?
  • Links to planning and objectives
  • The impact of the standard on workers (concept of participation and consultation)

3- Implementation

  • The links between the standard and the safety rules already in place
  • The notion of anticipation and improvement
  • Risk management
  • External companies
  • Audits and the role of management
  • The management review

4- End Quiz

    • 5 questions to self-assess.


Set of videos of less than 2 minutes each, to understand the methodology of auditing Quality, Safety, Environment and Energy Management Systems.

    1. Audit – what is it?
    2. What is the purpose of preparing for the audit?
    3. Points to check
    4. Audit Plan
    5. Care Guide
    6. What is the purpose of the opening meeting?
    7. Generate audit findings
    8. Formulate audit findings
    9. Why conduct an interview?
    10. Documented information
    11. How to prepare audit conclusions
    12. Closing meeting
    13. Why write an audit report
    14. Audit Follow-up – Perform Audit Follow-up
    15. How to organize your internal audits
    16. The skills of auditors and how to build an audit team.


1 – The ISO 45001 standard, its purpose and requirements

  • Deepen your knowledge of ISO 45001, and understand the specificities of the Occupational Health and Safety audit

2 – The audit process

    • Pre-audit activities and scope
    • The documentary review
    • Audit processes
    • The audit report
    • Non-conformities
    • Corrective actions and their follow-up
    • Preparation of working papers
    • Evaluation of registrations and preparation of the report
    • Present findings
    • Review and consolidation of achievements


  • The trainee must complete the exercises sent by email with the invitation before the training.
  • After passing your exam, to become a Registered Auditor with CQI and IRCA you must apply to CQI and IRCA and meet the requirements of CQI and IRCA:

Training - Auditor CQI and IRCA ISO 45001 ConversionWHY CHOOSE THE AFNOR GROUP?

We are committed to your side for the success of your training.

  • 40 years of training experience
  • 31 training centers worldwide
  • 17 e-learning modules
  • 10,000 trainees per year
  • Diploma training and certification professions (ICA, IRCA, etc.)
  • A presence of 40 international locations

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The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.

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Protection and respect for privacy

The processing of personal data is necessary for the examination of your request, made, in your professional capacity, to the AFNOR Group. Where appropriate, this data may also be used in the context of sending commercial information.

In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the right to access, rectify, erase, withdraw consent, limit processing, object to processing and portability with regard to your data.

These rights can be exercised by sending a message to the AFNOR DPO.

Francophones: Click here.

English speakers: Click here.

All detailed information on the use of your data and the exercise of your rights can be found in the AFNOR Group's charter on the protection of personal data and privacy.

Click here to read it.


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