AFNOR UK & partner DeepFathom launch their AI readiness assessment

Agri-food expertise

Following the exciting announcement of our partnership with DeepFathom, AFNOR UK Ltd is thrilled to launch the first product in their brand-new digital portfolio. This launch marks a significant milestone in their journey to enhance the value to our customers and support their continued success.

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AI Digital Readiness Assessment to ISO 42001:2023 

Our online AI assessment helps organizations pinpoint their strengths, gaps, and opportunities in leveraging AI technologies to boost efficiency, decision-making, and overall business performance.

  • Identify gaps in AI Preparedness:Pinpoint where organisations stand in AI readiness, revealing gaps and areas for improvement before they become critical.
  • Strategic decision-making: Enable organisations use detailed results to make informed decisions about AI adoption and alignment with their organisational goals.
  • Accelerate AI adoption: Facilitate organisations in getting clear guidance and actionable insights to swiftly move from assessment to implementation.
  • Reduce Risk of AI integration: Help organisations better understand their current AI maturity to mitigate risks and ensure a smoother integration process.

Organisations complete the digital assessment using our intuitive online platform, minimising disruption to their operations and ensuring uninterrupted business continuity. They can assess AI readiness across multiple locations simultaneously, saving time and reducing costs.

Contact us here if you would like us to call you back.

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Agri-food expertise
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United Kingdom

AFNOR UK & partner DeepFathom launch their AI readiness assessment

Following the announcement of our partnership with DeepFathom, AFNOR UK Ltd is delighted to launch the first product in our new digital portfolio. This launch marks an important milestone in its journey to enhance value for its customers and support their continued success. AI Digital Readiness Assessment

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